Don't be fooled. This is his mid-day look. At 5:30 a.m., he's jumping on the bed. |
Here at the Posy house, we are an early rising bunch, and Alfie, that sly dog, is the earliest of all. Most mornings, he's up and at 'em by 5:30 and ready for his walk. We actually like to walk early. It's a bit quieter -- fewer cars on the street -- and we are more likely to spot wildlife as we walk along the river. There are others who walk or jog around the same time, so we are often able to greet one or two "regulars" and share news of deer or fox sightings or remark on the weather or what have you.
The only trouble with walking first thing, before breakfast and showers, is that my hair often looks like I just rolled out of bed which, of course, I did, but one doesn't want to go out in public like that, even if it
is 5:45 a.m. I have lots of hats for winter walks and that works great as hair camouflage. Summer is a little tougher. I've never been a girl to wear a baseball cap. This summer, I did swipe one from our son's room -- a jazzy plaid number -- and have worn it a few times, but it's really not me.
acrylic version |
So I found this little hat pattern, available from
DROPS Design. I have crocheted two of them so far, both in self-striping sock yarn. The first I made in acrylic, which is really perfect for a summer morning as it's not too hot. The most recent one I made with wool sock yarn which I had left over from a scarf I made last winter. They're goofy looking but I like them, and I don't have to worry if my hair is sticking up weird or anything.
Little granny squares with simple double crochet for the body of the cap and as a border below. |
I'm afraid, though, that this latest hat will be my last crochet project for a while. I have developed what I believe is tendinitis in my elbow. I am going to lay off the needlework and heavy lifting to see if it improves. I've been doing a lot of outside work lately too (carrying those concrete stepping stones yesterday didn't help), so I'll ease up and see if the pain eases up too. Any of you crocheters ever have similar trouble?